Looking for a warm place to travel? Tired of endless rain? Want to know the best season to travel? You are in the right place !

- Methodology

We use CRU TS 4.0, a monthly high-resolution climate dataset to evaluate the best month of travel. Four factors are considered and averaged to calculate an absolute score for each month:

1️⃣ Wet days (20%), the less the better;
2️⃣ Percipitation (30%), the less the better;
3️⃣ Maximum temperature (30%), full score when less than 30 degrees;
4️⃣ Minimum temperature (20%), full score when more than 10 degrees.

When the check box "I already know the destination" is not checked, we show this absolute score to facilitate comparison across diffrent places for a given month.

When the check box "I already know the destination" is checked, for each coordinate, the 12 absolute scores are normalized from [min, max] to a relative score in [0,100] to visualize the confort level across the year for this specifc coordinate.

Limitations: The elevation is not specified, the result might be erroneous in the mountain areas. See reference in the publication here.